Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Womens Health in Haddenham
I am an acupuncturist trained in Classical Five Element Acupuncture. I am fully qualified in acupuncture and complementary TCM practices, meaning I have completed a three year degree course (BA Hons), at the College of Traditional Acupuncture, Warwi...
Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Reading, Berkshire
Maria Rossi, Lic. Ac. MBAcC is a fully qualified and licensed Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and 5-Element Acupuncturist. After leaving Italy she worked for many years in UK in a corporate environment. Passionate about natural methods to im...
Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Rickmansworth , Central London
Root Therapy Practice derived its name from the keyword ‘root’ for a number of reasons. The most important of these is you. We believe in a holistic approach which looks at the person in its entirety. Our aim is to treat the cause not the symptom...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Meditation in Hayes
Professional practitioner of traditional Oriental medicine providing constitutional and symptomatic acupuncture treatments for a wide range of physical, mental & emotional illnesses. Providing non-invasive alternative treatments for those fearful o...